HUE Colorboost Lenses
- Enhances Reds, Greens and Blues
- Blocks Yellow Light at 580nm
- High Color Accuracy
- 35% Larger Color Volume
- Increased Depth Perception
- Increased Color Contrast
- Polarized and Non Polarized
- Mirror Coating Available
- Effective Backside AR Coating

3X Color Resolution and Comfort
Click each lens below to learn more:
- Boosted Color Saturation and Vibrancy
- Improved Depth Perception
- Enhanced Contrast and Clarity
- Reduced Glare and Haze

Low CRF Standard CRF High CRF
Color Resolution Factor(CRF) is a primary metric for color contrast. Colorboost provides high CRF. 35% larger color volume with Colorboost, providing detail and contrast to the above images.